Sunday 22 September 2013

Simple Ways to Cure Puffy Eyes

Simple Ways to Cure Puffy Eyes
Simple remedies, natural or not, are effective and it only takes short time to treat your eye puffiness. Continue reading this article and try the tips below for yourself and reduce the eye puffiness that keeps bothering you. Enough Sleep Poor quality of sleep makes you have puffy eyes throughout the day. Under eye puffiness is usually caused by eye sleep deprivation. Thus you must have enough rest to keep your eyes healthy and prevent it from puffiness.

Other Conditions
Inspect if there are other conditions that may affect your eyes. Swelling can also be side effects of some conditions like pregnancy, allergies, dermatitis, medication, mononucleosis, menstrual cycle hormonal variation, and other medical conditions that are serious.
Using potato to cure your puffy eyes is a more natural and cheaper method. The starch of potato serves as anti-inflammatory agent to comfort irritated eyes. Peel a piece of potato, wash it and dry. Slice it as fine as you can. Place its pulp in clean cloth and fold it to make it a poultice. Put it on the eyelids for atleast 15 minutes.
Drink Plenty of Water
Drink water atleast 8-ounce glasses every day. Avoid coffee, sugary drinks and soda. Water is the most effective way to treat this eye problem. When your body is adequately hydrated, your body will stay in its good condition and there is no way to get into wrong places. Cold water splash reduces swelling and its coldness constricts the blood vessels. Simply wash your face with cold water every morning and do it for several times every day.
Egg Whites
Egg white is a common treatment for other face problem. It helps make the skin look less like a puff pastry and it gives a feeling of tighter skin. Just whip up about 1 or 2 egg whites until it gets stiff. Apply evenly underneath the eyes using a soft cloth or brush.
Reduce Salt Intake
Too much intake of sodium in the body increases the fluid retention. Balanced distribution of salt in your body brings good results not just for the eyes but for your general health also. Caffeine can also prevent you from having a good sleep and it may bring back your puffy eyes.
Cucumber is the most common remedy for eye problems. They have a soothing touch that relaxes the eyes well. However the astringent properties they have cause the constriction of the blood vessels.
There are also more simple things to protect your and prevent it from several problems. Avoid touching and rubbing your eyeballs with your hands especially in the morning. It will irritate the eyes and may cause swelling also. Use fragrance and hypo-allergenic soaps. Maintain a clean and dust-free environment especially into your room. Always wash any dust-collecting objects inside your room and wash them weekly with hot water. When working on computers, staring out the window makes your eyes relaxed. Look at something that really makes your eyes feel rest.
In general, to reduce the puffiness of your eyes, you must avoid being stressed and learn how to manage things while taking care of your eyes. When working in a stressful environment, do not forget to let your eyes take some rest, too. Do not abuse your healthy eyes. Take good care of it or else it make you rest for your entire life.

By :-Faye Curtiz

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