Sunday 21 July 2013

How to Use the Food to Lose Weight

How to Use the Food to Lose Weight
The most suitable diet food for breakfast: eggs and oatmeal   Eggs contain lecithin, which is an emulsifier. It can emulsify fat cholesterol into tiny particles, and then exclusion from the vessel to was used by the body. Expect for this, the eggs can make high-density lipoprotein in the blood increased to protect the blood vessels to prevent hardening.

 Morning is the metabolic activity period, but also is the period which needs to detox and supply energy in a day. At this time, drinking a bowl of oatmeal can help to drain away toxins in the intestines and blood, and absorb the rich nutrients. Expect for this, oatmeal should have a long time to digest to help you remove a morning hunger, which is the ideal healthy breakfast to loss breakfast.
The most suitable diet food for lunch: grilled chicken breast and apple
Comparing with pork, beef and other meats, chicken has the characteristics of low-fat low-calorie. In addition, skinless grilled chicken breast is a good source of protein, which can help you achieve the edge "meat" to eat to lose weight.
During weight loss, eating apples allows the digestive system to have a rest, restore the original function and do normal operation. Eating apples can not only improve to expel excess toxins, but also to reduce human intake of calories. Insufficient aspect should be supplied by the heat savings in the body. Excess body fat consumed, people will naturally lose weight. In addition, Apple is also a good substitute for sweets.
Between-meal snack: low-fat yogurt and green tea
Yogurt contains a lot of lactic acid bacteria, which can effectively regulate body flora balance, promote gastrointestinal peristalsis, thereby facilitating detoxification diet. Further, dairy products contain large amounts of calcium element, and these substances are necessary to accelerate fat burning. Therefore, low-fat yogurt is undoubtedly super food for weight loss.
Aromatic compounds in green tea can dissolve fat and greasy to prevent stagnation body fat, and vitamins B1, C and caffeine can promote the secretion of gastric juice to help digestion and Cellulite. Expect for this, green tea can enhance vessel circulation and reduce body fat deposition. So, drinking a cup of green tea between meals is a good way to lose weight.

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